The type List.Vector
represents lists with fixed length.
TODO: The API of List.Vector
is quite incomplete relative to Vector
and in particular does not use x[i]
(that is GetElem
notation) as the preferred accessor.
Any combination of reducing the use of List.Vector
in Mathlib, or modernising its API,
would be welcome.
List.Vector α n
is the type of lists of length n
with elements of type α
Note that there is also Vector α n
in the root namespace,
which is the type of arrays of length n
with elements of type α
Typically, if you are doing programming or verification, you will primarily use Vector α n
and if you are doing mathematics, you may want to use List.Vector α n
- List.Vector.instDecidableEq = inferInstanceAs (DecidableEq { l : List α // l.length = n })
The first element of a vector with length at least 1
- List.Vector.head ⟨a :: tail, property⟩ = a
Map a vector under a function.
- f ⟨l, h⟩ = ⟨ f l, ⋯⟩
Mapping two vectors under a curried function of two variables.
- List.Vector.map₂ f ⟨x_2, property⟩ ⟨y, property_1⟩ = ⟨List.zipWith f x_2 y, ⋯⟩
Vector obtained by repeating an element.
- List.Vector.replicate n a = ⟨List.replicate n a, ⋯⟩
Vector of length n
from a function on Fin n
- List.Vector.ofFn x_2 = List.Vector.nil
- List.Vector.ofFn f = List.Vector.cons (f 0) (List.Vector.ofFn fun (i : Fin n) => f i.succ)
Create a vector from another with a provably equal length.
- List.Vector.congr h ⟨l, h_1⟩ = ⟨l, ⋯⟩
Runs a function over a vector returning the intermediate results and a final result.
- List.Vector.mapAccumr f ⟨x_2, px⟩ x✝ = ((List.mapAccumr f x_2 x✝).fst, ⟨(List.mapAccumr f x_2 x✝).snd, ⋯⟩)
Runs a function over a pair of vectors returning the intermediate results and a final result.
- List.Vector.mapAccumr₂ f ⟨x_3, px⟩ ⟨y, py⟩ x✝ = ((List.mapAccumr₂ f x_3 y x✝).fst, ⟨(List.mapAccumr₂ f x_3 y x✝).snd, ⋯⟩)
Shift Primitives #
shiftLeftFill v i
is the vector obtained by left-shifting v
times and padding with the
argument. If v.length < i
then this will return replicate n fill
- v.shiftLeftFill i fill = List.Vector.congr ⋯ ((List.Vector.drop i v).append (List.Vector.replicate (min n i) fill))
shiftRightFill v i
is the vector obtained by right-shifting v
times and padding with the
argument. If v.length < i
then this will return replicate n fill
- v.shiftRightFill i fill = List.Vector.congr ⋯ ((List.Vector.replicate (min n i) fill).append (List.Vector.take (n - i) v))