The boundary of the standard simplex #
We introduce the boundary ∂Δ[n]
of the standard simplex Δ[n]
(These notations become available by doing open Simplicial
Future work #
There isn't yet a complete API for simplices, boundaries, and horns.
As an example, we should have a function that constructs
from a non-surjective order preserving function Fin n → Fin n
a morphism Δ[n] ⟶ ∂Δ[n]
The boundary ∂Δ[n]
of the n
-th standard simplex consists of
all m
-simplices of stdSimplex n
that are not surjective
(when viewed as monotone function m → n
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Instances For
The boundary ∂Δ[n]
of the n
-th standard simplex
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Instances For
Pretty printer defined by notation3
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Instances For
The inclusion of the boundary of the n
-th standard simplex into that standard simplex.
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