Horns #
This file introduce horns Λ[n, i]
horn n i
(or Λ[n, i]
) is the i
-th horn of the n
-th standard simplex, where i : n
It consists of all m
-simplices α
of Δ[n]
for which the union of {i}
and the range of α
is not all of n
(when viewing α
as monotone function m → n
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Instances For
The i
-th horn Λ[n, i]
of the standard n
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Instances For
Pretty printer defined by notation3
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Instances For
The inclusion of the i
-th horn of the n
-th standard simplex into that standard simplex.
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Instances For
The (degenerate) subsimplex of Λ[n+2, i]
concentrated in vertex k
- SSet.horn.const n i k m = ⟨SSet.stdSimplex.const (n + 2) k m, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints a
and b
This edge only exists if {i, a, b}
has cardinality less than n
- SSet.horn.edge n i a b hab H = ⟨SSet.stdSimplex.edge n a b hab, ⋯⟩
Instances For
Alternative constructor for the edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints a
and b
assuming 3 ≤ n
- SSet.horn.edge₃ n i a b hab H = SSet.horn.edge n i a b hab ⋯
Instances For
The edge of Λ[n, i]
with endpoints j
and j+1
This constructor assumes 0 < i < n
which is the type of horn that occurs in the horn-filling condition of quasicategories.
- SSet.horn.primitiveEdge h₀ hₙ j = SSet.horn.edge n i j.castSucc j.succ ⋯ ⋯
Instances For
The triangle in the standard simplex with vertices k
, k+1
, and k+2
This constructor assumes 0 < i < n
which is the type of horn that occurs in the horn-filling condition of quasicategories.
- SSet.horn.primitiveTriangle i h₀ hₙ k h = ⟨SSet.stdSimplex.triangle ⟨k, ⋯⟩ ⟨k + 1, ⋯⟩ ⟨k + 2, ⋯⟩ ⋯ ⋯, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The j
th subface of the i
-th horn.
- SSet.horn.face i j h = ⟨(SSet.stdSimplex.objEquiv (SimplexCategory.mk (n + 1)) (Opposite.op (SimplexCategory.mk n))).symm (SimplexCategory.δ j), ⋯⟩
Instances For
Two morphisms from a horn are equal if they are equal on all suitable faces.