an inductive type defining boundary inclusions as a class of morphisms. Used to take advantage
of the MorphismProperty
- mk (n : ℕ) : BoundaryInclusion (boundaryInclusion n)
Instances For
The class of all boundary inclusions.
Instances For
a morphism of simplicial sets is a trivial fibration if it has the right lifting property wrt
every boundary inclusion ∂Δ[n] ⟶ Δ[n]
Instances For
Inductive definition of inner horn inclusions Λ[n, i] ⟶ Δ[n] by restricting general horn inclusions to 0 < i < n
- mk (n i : ℕ) (low : 0 < i) (high : i < n) : InnerHornInclusion (hornInclusion n ↑i)
Instances For
The class of inner horn inclusions as a MorphismProperty
Instances For
Inductive definition of being equal to the inclusion Δ[0] into coherent iso picking 0
Instances For
Inductive definition of being equal to the inclusion Δ[0] into coherent iso picking 1
Instances For
The class of inclusions equal to the inclusion picking out zero in the coherent iso as a MorphismProperty
Instances For
The class of inclusions equal to the inclusion picking out one in the coherent iso as a MorphismProperty
Instances For
The union of inner horn inclusions and the two inclusions into coherent iso
Instances For
The union of the class of inner horn inclusions and the inclusion into coherent iso as a MorphismProperty
Instances For
Definition of isofibration: A simplicial map between quasi-categories is an \textbf{isofibration} if it lifts against the inner horn inclusions, as displayed belowleft, and also against the inclusion of either vertex into the coherent isomorphism.